Raymond is a professor and senior law lecturer at the University of Ghana School of Law, where he teaches constitutional law; administrative law; Ghana legal systems and method; jurisprudence; conflict of laws; and several governance, human rights, and development seminars.
He is an accomplished lawyer with over twenty years of experience in the fields of: constitutional governance and the consolidation of democratic gains; law and policy advocacy; human rights and human rights-based approaches to development; women’s rights, public policy reform (healthcare reform, natural resource governance, justice sector reform, security-sector reform); and community organising and mobilisation.
He has a strong understanding of the linkages and challenges concerning policy, law, governance and development and has published extensively on these topics. Over the past two decades he has consulted widely for various Governments’, international organisations and UN agencies including the Government of Ghana, the Government of Liberia, UNDP, UNODC, UNICEF, UNHCR, ILO, IOM, USAID, DFID, ECOWAS, DFID and GTZ amongst others.